tisdag 17 november 2015

Beta releasedate!


The testing period for the Hotline Miami 2 level editor with Testronic is over and we are very happy with the results! There were tons of bugs found and fixed so the core of the editor feels very stable now. While the cut-scene creator and campaign editor still have some nasty bugs, Jonatan and Abstraction are going to take care of them soon and get those features all smoothed out as well.

So without any further delay we're excited to announce:


We've added some extra time just to make sure that the date won't be pushed anymore. Thursday the 10th of December is the day. More details soon!

Some important information:

1. The beta is on STEAM ONLY. The forum makes it easier to gather bugs and the automatic update makes sure everyone is playing the correct version.

2. The beta is WINDOWS ONLY for now. The editor will support Mac and Linux later on. No editor for PS3, PS4 or Vita.

3. WORKSHOP IS NOT AVAILABLE AT THE BEGINNING but will be added later. Levels can be shared locally by sending the level folders around.

4. EVERYONE CAN GET ACCESS TO THE BETA WITHOUT INVITE! So we don't need your Steam information or anything, you do this yourself when it's available. More info on how you do that on release date.

5. ALL CONTENT IS AVAILABLE FROM THE START (some minor features will be added later).

6. NO PROMISES THAT LEVELS MADE IN THE BETA WILL CARRY OVER TO THE FINAL VERSION. Things will change during the course of the beta as we fix and update the code, so no promises that levels will stay the same or survive the whole trip.

7.THE PLAN IS TO HAVE THE BETA OPEN DURING DECEMBER TILL EARLY JANUARY and then have final version out shortly after that.

8. NO CUSTOM MUSIC EDITOR. If we let people get free music when they download levels we are viewed as a illegal file sharing tool. There is also impossible to make sure that if people added a track that the artist of that track is cool with the fact that he/she/they are in HLM.

9. NO CUSTOM SPRITE EDITOR from us but other people have already created their own and they work great:)

10. The plan is to have VIDEO TUTORIALS up before the 10th (or quite soon after) but I think you will figure out most of it without our help ;)


Take care // Dennis

253 kommentarer:

  1. Finally.
    Thank goodness the cancellation rumors were false.

  2. I'm so happy that the core editor is stable now. Hype 100%, my best wishes to you, Jonatan and the Abstraction Team, take all the time you guys need! :)

  3. Oh boy, this is way better than any porn.

  4. Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.

  5. Will there be destructible walls? Or have that added in an update? Glad there is finally a release date...

  6. Great to see that it's finally coming out, I'm glad you both took all feedback into consideration into making something that was great before into something amazing.
    Kudos to both of you, I'm sure it wasn't easy.

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  7. Nigel has allways been one handsome motherfucker,

    Glad to hear these news, thanks to everyone involved


  9. This will be a bloody, bloody christmas.

  10. No editor for the Playstation consoles. Great. I waited for nothing.

    1. You do realize that they said millions of times that there will be not editor for consoles.

  11. Do you realise i will have to uninstall steam on the 10 Dec to save my scolarity from your peace of art?>__>


    Now as much as I really hate to ask,but I'm doing this for the console users. Are you guys absolutely sure the consoles can't get the editor? Because I've already seen a lot of console games with editors in them such as: Gravity Crash on ps vita/3, Sound Shapes on ps vita/3/4, Stealth Inc (1&2) on ps vita/3/4, Little Big Planet (franchise) on ps 3/4/p/vita and countless more. Some say that the search bar for items in the editor will be a problem, but, each one of these consoles have an inbuilt keyboard that could work just fine, sure it will be a little less efficient for 3&4 (not for vita coz touch screen) but will get the job done. Some say controling the cursor will be awkward, but trust me, it's not a bother for console users, just have anolog stick slide around screen and d-pad or a toggle option to snap it to individual squares. I wouldn't be saying any of this if I didnt think consoles could handle it. I just want to make sure this platform one last bit of consideration. Even if it means the editer will come to this platform in the far future. Please do take a look at these games ive suggested if you have the time. Yes, this may seem a painfully huge thing to ask, sorry. I just need a response from a developer of the game to be sure and just prove my point.

    Anyway, that's all I have to say about that. Absolutely amazing job on the editor, thank you guys so much. I hope what I had to say wasnt too... heavy on you :(

    1. No they wont add the editor to consoles

    2. Well, it was worth asking I suppose :/

  13. This is the greatest news I have received all day! Thanks for the all the hard work you've put into it. I bless you.

  14. I feel an unsettling trend coming on Dennaton, not saying that you guys aren't doing your best but we've been waiting for quite some time now and quite frankly I'm a little peeved. But excited for when it finally comes out

  15. Dennaton I hope that this time you come through on your promise. I'm a little peeved that you get my hopes up then bring em down. But hopefully this is the last time I come back to your blog reading about another delay

  16. The editor has been created with GameMaker?

    1. Yes, but the final version works in a different engine.

  17. Just a small question in terms of music, will songs from the original Hotline Miami show up in the level editor? It would help with level re-creations and variety within the custom levels.

    That, and Miami Disco and Hydrogen are such good songs.

    1. Yes, it´s going to be avaible on the full editor, and the beta too.
      Beta will be released on: 10/12/15

  18. Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.

  19. i know you guys dont want us to use custom music but we shoud at least be able to use the songs from the first game,dont tell me thats also copyright.

    1. it is, they only have licensing to it in the first game

  20. Look, it's been a long time, with the delays, and I have known for a while that the editor was not coming to console which is very disapointing, you might even be disapointed aswell, and I have come to pretty much accept it. Yes I know you plan to release level packs, so atleast we get something, but that means we got to wait even longer to get those. What I highly suggest, to make sure that console players get something at the editor release, is to make a level with a fiew floors for-
    -secret character
    so we can atleast play the updated vairiations and such, I know its just gonna be another thing you have to make, but it'd really make us console players happy to get something, and I understand if this isn't something you are willing to do, I highly appreciate the hard work you guys have put in to this game and hotline miami 2 kicked ass- peace

    1. Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.

    2. Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.

    3. I know what you mean, i never played any pc games before, so it would be hard for me to play a game like hotline miami on it

  21. Called it, didn't I?

    Thanks for this, guys! :D

  22. I've buy the cross-buy vita /Ps4 version for the editor! I don't think it was mentionned at launch!

  23. (Sorry if this has already been asked, I looked a couple places for the answer.) Will the secret character be in the beta, or is that a surprise being saved for the full editor?

    1. Yes the secret character will be in the Beta
      SOURCE: http://dennaton.blogspot.mx/2015/09/editor-final-code-submitted-for-port.html

  24. I knew that one day it will happen.
    The wait was worth it. ^w^
    I can't wait to test it out and wait for the final release!

  25. Can someone post a link to the sprite editor please

    1. That tool is called ''HLM WAD Explorer''.

      Is not exactly a ''Sprite Editor'', is just a tool that allows you to see the assets of the game like music, sprites etc.

      Download Link: http://www.indiedb.com/games/hotline-miami-2-wrong-number/downloads/hlm-wad-explorer

      To edit the sprites you may need to use Paint.NET or Adobe Photoshop

      Here's a tutorial on how to use it: http://imgur.com/a/nJVnq

  26. So is the Beta going to be on Mac at all?

  27. Is the secret character Nigel? XD

  28. Will it be possible to create own character anyway? Like using own drawing tool and adding it as custom character?

    1. Download the hml wad explorer. It has all hotline miami 2 sprites, you can edit them with a drawing programm like paint. Its a lot of work for sure, but this is a good way to create your own character

  29. Welp...
    Someone made this


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  30. Would recreating scenes like Metro in Hotline Miami 1 be possible? Very specifically the parts with the shaking screen and the trains moving in. Just asking because knowing the flexibility of the editor is going to be important for me.

    1. No i don't think they made this, but they gonna make some Updates adding new stuff. However, im sure it is possible to draw railroads like the one in the metro.

  31. when is the relese dates for level packs on playstasion

    1. probably not till a while after the editor is out, unfortunately

  32. I don't know if anyone has noticed this, and as far as I have seen no one has said anything about it so I am going to point it out. In the bar of broken heroes in hotline miami 2 all the characters that you can play as in the game are all in this one bar right? Well there's this one guy wearing a blue jacket standing next to the juke box just chilling there. Its weird because all the characters you see there are playable except him, so I am 90% sure this is the secret character they have planned for the editor. Just thought I'd point that out.

    1. You forgot the hobo from HM1 Tutorial and from The Metro. He's there and he's not a playable character...

    2. But, didn't they already confirm that Hobo will be not the secret character?
      I think Dennis said something like that.
      I'm not sure.

    3. John, I thought about it but maybe the symbolism of the hobo not being in the building represents something, maybe. I mean we've seen the hobo speak before in hotline miami 1 but we've seen nothing of this weird blue jacket guy.

    4. John, I thought about it but maybe the symbolism of the hobo not being in the building represents something, maybe. I mean we've seen the hobo speak before in hotline miami 1 but we've seen nothing of this weird blue jacket guy.

    5. Hey, I've been thinking about it, what if it's a cameo? think about it, in HM1 there were musicians cameos, maybe it's the same with HM2. I don't know, maybe a cameo of the guy who made the song for bar of broken heroes.

      It's a stupid theory or argument but I felt like I had to comment it.

    6. The guy in the blue jacket at the bar is a cameo of H.M. Hammarin, a Swedish music artist, and is referred to as "Hammarin" in the game files. He's probably not the secret character.

    7. oh ok I get it, hes probably not then, thanks for clearing it up

  33. Thank you sexy beasts for sticking around this long. I still can't wait for this.

  34. Thanks guys, can't wait to get my hands on it. (also a grip)

  35. Hey guys! Awsome news!

    One request: Can you guys put the Fucking Werewolf song on the editor for us to use? 'Cause damn that tune is dope


  36. P.S.:
    I will always be the same one always try to blame one, time for me to go.

  37. Hey,

    FINALLY, it took some time, right ?

    I don't get something : why NO CUSTOM MUSIC EDITOR ?

    You play a game on your own computer, where's the problem about copyright and rights ? IF you put it online, or on the workshop, maybe.

    I remember RPG MAKER and we add music, and we "paint" the lil' pixel characters to custom them and it was so much fun, making cyberpunk adventures, and yeah, I was expecting that for the HM level editor. But it seems online gaming - and sometimes Steam - kill a bit of creativity ...

    ANYWAY, I will try it, and I hope some of your geeky smart fans will crack it or mod it

    1. Dont be rude? They spent a lot of time and they tried everything to allow custom music . If you have a drawing program like paint you can use the hml wad explorer for custom sprites. And whats so wrong with the hotline miami music? If you wanna make music you can use music programs (im gonna do that too if im getting a computer)

  38. Why don't you include custom music through Newgrounds, like Geometry Dash did?

    1. They TRIED. They weren't allowed into custom music in tze editor


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